Hi, This note will become http://www.ghostscript.com/~hintak/patchset-README.txt, together with a patchset/ directory, detailing 22 patches for ghostscript and 4 patches for ghostpdl and 1 patch for wine which I used for building: ghostpdl-r11544.zip (win32 binaries of ghostpdl) gs900w32-r11548.exe (the nsis-based installer) gs900w32-r11548.zip (zip file containing Russell's setupgs.exe which you can make the winzipse-based installer out of) gs900w64-r11548.exe and gs900w64-r11548.zip are the 64-bit equivalents. Patch #22 updates doc/Make.htm with some hints about how to use the WIN64-target ability of Windows 7 SDK (32-bit Visual C++ 9) to build 64-bit ghostscript (on 32-bit Vista I tried). The patches were used for MSVC and GCC builds, so as far as I know, those two work. Patch #17 is a genuine and possibly important bug during the icc merge confirmed by Michael (http://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=691463#c5) so should be committed ASAP. Patch #18, #19 are updates to the NSIS installer script itself and what parameters get passed along from the main makefile. Patch #06 is somebody else's contributed patch for an issue I found interesting/important to review a few times and test, so I hope it goes in. Patch #04 fixes build failure with SunStudio - after MSVC and GCC (Linux and Mac OS X) this is probably the next important platform. Patch #09 to #16 are shell- and other issues on Tru64. Some older non-GNU non-Linux unix platforms can proablby benefit from those, e.g. HP-UX, AIX, or older SunOS/Solaris. The rest are minor issues or enhancements, except #07 and #08 for upgrading to jpeg8b, which will happen inevitably but possibly too risky before GS 9, so should be looked at after. Patch #20 of ghostscript and Patch #02 of ghostpdl, together with '0001-kernel32-Enhance-EndUpdateResource.patch' for wine (I extracted this because it was committed after wine 1.2 upstream but did not make wine 1.2) make it possible to run Windows 7 SDK in wine to build ghostscript and ghostpdl. See http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21394 and http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22812 about these 3 patches. Each of the patches has a header paragraph about what it does and bug references.